石塚 隆|神奈川県出身のマルチメディア表現者。システムエンジニアとしてのキャリアを経て、IAMAS(情報科学芸術大学院大学)でメディア表現を探求。その後、都内の新設ミュージアムの事業開発に携わる。
Ryu Ishizuka|Multimedia creator from Kanagawa, Japan. After working as a system engineer, he pursued media expression at IAMAS (Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences). Currently involved in business development for a newly established museum in Tokyo.
His work explores the interplay between perception, recognition, and phenomena through various media, focusing on video and sound installations. He is particularly interested in color perception, incorporating peacock structural coloration into spatial installations.
With a background in street dance, he also performs as a dancer and Talkbox player.